Vibration White Finger Syndrome

The vibration white finger syndrome also known as dead finger is, a tingling feeling in your fingers. This sensation is cause by blood vessels in your finger having spasms. Unfortunately there is not a cure for this for this syndrome. What usually happens if your fingertips start to turn white from loss of oxygen and when all the oxygen is used up your fingers will turn blue. The cold, can irritate it. Also this syndrome may affect your sleep. Several things can cause this syndrome such as, working with chainsaws, chipping tools, power lawnmowers, concrete vibrators and more. These all may cause vibration white finger because of the vibration of the tools obviously.

Some of the symptoms you'll have if you have vibration white finger is, aches and pains in your fingers. Also you may have numbness, or it will feel like pins are being stuck into your fingertips.
There are treatments for this disease although there isn't a cure.
1. If you smoke, stop! The tobacco in the cigarette worsens the condition.
2. Some medicine may make it worse, so talk to your doctor.
3. Try to stay warm, as I said before the cold irritates vibration white finger.
4. Don't use vibrating tools! It only makes the vibrating white finger worse.
5. Exercise regularly, try to get the blood running through your fingers.
6. Try not to touch cold items. So if you have to get something out of your deep freezer, or freezer use gloves or anything else that will keep your fingers warm.