Acute renal (kidney) failure is a condition that may occur with an immediate time frame. This condition can sometimes involve complete shutdown of the kidneys. As a result the condition may be diagnosed fairly quickly. Some cases however may not present symptoms for some time. The condition poses a rather serious threat to the health of your organs and to your overall health. Among the functions that are lost in acute kidney failure is the ability of the kidneys to remove waste from the blood. This can cause problems in the other organs.
It is reportedly more common among individuals that are hospitalized. In some cases, individuals that undergo surgery may suffer from acute renal failure. While it is possible to recover kidney function, the cause of the acute kidney failure most be identified and remedied quickly. Without treatment it can result in permanent damage and in some cases death.
There are three major cause classifications regarding acute kidney failure. They are causes that occur before the blood reaches the kidneys, causes that are related to the kidney itself, and causes that are related to the outflow from the kidneys. These are often referred to with the following three terms:
- Pre-renal
- Renal
- Post-renal
Among the most common pre-renal causes are blood loss and dehydration. Among the most common renal causes is the damage to the kidneys. This can be caused by some medications, infections and other factors. Among the most common post-renal causes are sudden blockages of urine. This may result from trauma or other factors.
The specific cause of the failure may determine the treatment. In all serious cases the function of the kidneys will need to be supplemented until healthy function can be returned. To these ends a number of things will likely be done. Depending on the time required the changes may include lifestyle changes such as special dietary considerations. These changes may help prepare the individual for further treatment, or simply help to ensure that the kidneys are damaged as little as possible during the failure.
In many cases dialysis may be needed to filter the blood. There are multiple varieties of dialysis. In addition antibiotics and supplements may be necessary to compensate for the kidneys and protect the individual in their weakened state.
There are some specific symptoms that may arise during cases of acute failure. These may be present in some cases, but not in others. Similarly some cases may present other symptoms that are not listed here. The individual may experience decreased urine output. There may also be a swelling in the extremities. Lethargy and general malaise also occur in a number of cases. Mental and nervous system problems may result in some cases. These may include confusion, seizures, coma and other problems.
Getting help as soon as possible is important in cases of acute renal failure. If you have concerns or chronic conditions that contribute to chronic kidney failure consult your physician to determine what you can change that may help you to protect the health of your kidneys, to protect your health.