Migraine Facts

Migraine is a kind of ordinary and very painful headache that usually occurs on one side of the head. It often commences at teenage years or early childhood. It runs in families and has a tendency to recur.
More often than not, one side of the head experience miserable pain that last from four to 72 hours if not treated. An attack requires the sufferer to have a bed rest. The frequency of its occurrence varies; one can suffer from it once or several times in a month or in a year.
A migraine typically starts in a certain area on one side of the head, then extend and builds in severity over 1 to 2 hours and then the throbbing pain slowly diminish. Migraine headache go together with lightheadedness, sensitivity to brightness, and chills.
Migraines may occur between the ages of 10 to 40 years old. In a number of instances, the migraine attacks usually diminishes or ends in later adult life, or when one is over 50 years old.
Hereditary links is often associated with migraine. Occurrence of the illness may happen among members of the family. Probably generic factors can be involved why a person is prone to being afflicted with it. Sufferers may acquire the sensitivity to cause what brings about inflammation in the blood vessels and nerves near the brain, resulting to pain. Nonetheless, migraine is not considered as a hereditary condition.
Aretaeus of Cappodocia (2nd century AD) is known as the "discoverer" of migraine because of his definitive descriptions of the illness. It was during this era that a number of causes of migraine were noted. Celsus
(215-300 AD) accurately picture what is now acknowledged as among the common migraine triggers: wine in take, acid indigestion, cold, or glaring brightness from fire or sun.
In the ancient times, most migraine sufferers are male as medical
documentations disclosed. Only a few narratives of the disorder in women can be established. Findings of an accepted study done just throughout the last century illustrated the dominance of the disease in women.
More women suffer from migraine. They comprise 75% of the migraine cases. In every 4 women 1 is suffering from it, while 1 of 12 men can go through it at some times in their life.
There are two classifications of migraines as to the symptoms they
produce these are:
Ø Migraine with aura/Classic Migraine (with warning signs), and
Ø Migraine without aura Common Migraine (no warning signs).
Migraine with aura is characterized by an unusual sensation (aura) that is in occurrence 10 to 30 minutes prior to the head pain. The warning sign may include: queasiness, nausea, enlarge blind spots, blinking or zigzagging light, strange sounds or smell and parasthesia (lack of sensation) in victim's face, tongue and extremities, verbal communication defects. The symptoms are the same as that of the common migraine except that the onset of throbbing is more abrupt.
Migraine without aura is the most prevalent type and may take place only in one area of the head. It progressively builds up to full excruciating intensity and is aggravated by continuous motion, light or noise. Nausea and vomiting are among the indication of the attack.
Migraine attacks have two phases: Preheadache phase and Actual headache phase. During the preheadache stage, the limitation of the arteries to supply blood to the brain leads to neurological disorder, while the actual headache phase, the arteries that transport the blood to the scalp are widened and the swollen blood vessels inflamed excruciatingly by the released of a number of body chemicals.
The exact reason for having migraine is not clear and yet to be discovered. One presumption is that blood vessels in areas of the brain go into become narrower which may be the explanation for the aura. The blood vessels may then expand afterwards, which may account for the headache. The blood vessels then little by little become normal again. It is now considered that several chemicals in the brain increase its activity to add up to any blood vessel action. There are apparent reasons why those who are afflicted with migraine undergo such changes.
The headache is oftentimes so intense that it impedes with regular routinely daily activity and may keep the person awake. The attack is weakening and migraine sufferers are usually left feeling crippled and exhausted after the head pain has passed.
Factors that triggers the condition are as follows:
· Some type of beverages, foodstuff, and food additives (e.g., red wine, alcohol, citrus fruits, chicken liver, nitrates, monosodium glutamate)
· Environment (e.g., weather, altitude, time zone changes)
· Sensory stilulation (e.g., bright light, hearing sounds, fragrances)
· Female hormonal
· Hunger
· Not enough hours of sleep
· Medical prescriptions
· Stress (e.g., anger, distress, overexertion, shock)