How To Care For Your Nails

Women spend hours painting and decorating them. Beauty salons offer all kinds of services for them. But keeping your nails clean and healthy is a simple matter that doesn't cost much. Sometimes, all it takes is a little common sense.

To keep your nails attractive and avoid undesirable problems like fungal infections that can make your nails ugly and deformed, here are some tips to consider:

Use your nails properly. Nails protect the ends of fingers and toes and help us pick up things. Don't abuse them by using them as a can opener, staple remover, screwdriver or scraper.

Don't bite them. Some people have a nasty habit of biting their fingernails. This not only ruins their appearance but damages the nail bed and puts you at risk for infection. If you're hungry, head for the nearest deli and order your favorite meal. You'll be doing your nails a big favor.

Keep your nails clean. You may have the looks and the most expensive suit. But if your nails are dirty, you're no better than a monkey! Dirty nails turn people off and reflect your personality so make sure they always look their best. Trim them and clean under the nails regularly. Use a good pair of manicure scissors and an emery board to smoothen nail edges.

"Bulletproof" them. By this, I mean protect your nails from injury by wearing cotton-lined rubber gloves when washing dishes or when soaking them in water for a long time. This will protect your nails from the drying effects of soap, water, and other harsh chemicals that your nails come in contact with.

Moisturize them. Just like your skin, your nails need moisture too. Keep your nails in top shape by using a good lotion or moisturizer after washing your hands.

Don't torture them. Nail salons can be a source of infection that can traumatize your nails for years. When getting a manicure, choose a clean salon and make sure all instruments are properly sterilized before using them.

If you have weak nails that tend to split or break, keep your nails short and trim them after bathing. Use a nail hardener but avoid products containing toluene sulfonamide or formaldehyde that can cause redness or irritate the skin.