Ringworm Treatment

Most people consider their skin to be their most valuable asset, not only because it provides coverage and protection to their body but it also makes them look good. Having healthy skin is closely associated with good overall well-being; thus, having a fungal infection signifies a major problem to a great deal of people. The availability of various ringworm treatments helps to make the problem manageable. Ringworm is easy to diagnose due to its distinct appearance of circular and reddish lesions.

It is important to keep in mind that ringworm comes in different shapes and sizes, depending on the infected area of the body. Ringworm, which is also known as dermatophytosis, is caused by different types of closely-related fungi known as dermatophytes. They manifest varying symptoms and require specific ringworm treatments. Customarily, anti-fungal creams are the ringworm treatments that doctors initially prescribe; however, there are instances when they cannot cure the infection alone, and this is where oral medications come in handy.

There are two types of ringworm treatments. Topical treatments, which are applied externally, include antifungal creams and ointments, while Systemic treatments involve oral medications. Ringworm of the body, groin (tinea cruris) and foot (tinea pedis) call upon the use of topical treatment. Topical creams contain Clotrimazole (which can be found in Cruex cream, Desenex cream, Lotrimin cream, lotion, and solution), Miconazole (Monistat-Derm cream), Ketoconazole (Nizoral cream), Econazole (Spectazole), Naftifine (Naftin), and Terbinafine (Lamisil cream and solution). Topical ringworm treatments usually take effect within two weeks.
On the other hand, systemic treatment caters to recurring fungal infections that withstand topical treatments. Scalp ringworm (tinea capitis), and ringworm of the nail do not respond well to anti-fungal creams; thus, necessitating the use of oral medications. Perhaps the most sought-after antifungal tablet is Griseofulvin (Fulvicin, Grifulvin, and Gris-PEG). It also comes in the form of a capsule, and liquid. Other oral treatments that are used to treat skin infections include Terbinafine, Itraconazole (Sporanox), and Fluconazole (Diflucan). Oral medications should be taken for a longer period of time until the infection succumbs to the treatment. However, Griseofulvin, like other medications, has side effects which include headache, upset stomach and vomiting. Serious side effects, like fever, sore throat, skin rash and mouth soreness or irritation can be also be experienced, and should severe side effects be apparent, it should be brought to the attention of the doctor immediately.

Apart from ringworm treatments, maintaining good personal hygiene is important to avoid catching the ringworm infection. Since ringworm is contagious, it is important to avoid direct contact with an infected person. Also, make sure that you do not share towels, bedding and even hair brushes with someone who has ringworm infection. Seeing that sharing space in commonly-used areas is inevitable, you should at least make sure to disinfect your hands to avoid passing on the fungi. Furthermore, it is important to bear in mind that domesticated pets like dogs and cats can also be infected with ringworm, and having your pet examined beforehand will rule out the possibility of getting a ringworm infection.